Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Taiwan-China Trade: A Non-Linear ARDL Analysis of 20 Industries

Impact of Supply Risk Sharing on Supply Chains: Multiplicative vs. Additive Risks

Does Institutional Quality matter to the Inflation Targeting-Financial Stability Nexus?

Forecasting TAIEX and FITX with Affirmative and Doubtful Investor Sentiments

The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on the Saudi Arabia Tourism Sector: An Accountancy Approach

Labor Demand Forecasting: The Case of Cambodia

Explaining the first effects of Covid-19 on Greek banks’ profitability

Twitter‘s happiness sentiment index impacts on financial markets: an integrated overview of empirical findings

Co-movement and global factors in sovereign bond yields

A VAR model for Fiscal Multipliers and the Future of Fiscal Policy in European Monetary Union