ISSN: 2056-3736 (Online Version) | 2056-3728 (Print Version)

Auditing Services and SME Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Information Technology

Emmanuel Gyamera and Ivy Eklemet

Correspondence: Ivy Eklemet,

Department of Accounting, University of Professional Studies, Accra

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According to numerous studies, small and medium businesses are more financially limited than large businesses due to the lack of audited financial accounts. This study investigates the effects of Audit services on SMEs' financial performance. As a result, to obtain the necessary data for the project, the study used a quantitative strategy and a survey method. The study's participants are registered SMEs from the Registrar General's Department. The sample size was determined using a list of 6,000 registered small and medium businesses. The SMEs were chosen through a systematic selection process and were given questionnaires. The PLS-SEM Software was used to analyse the data collected from the respondents. The findings indicate that the use of audit services results in the avoidance and detection of financial irregularities, resulting in an improvement in SMEs' financial performance. The study also found a positive relationship between information technology and the financial performance of SMEs.


  Audit Services, Small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME), Financial Performance, information technology.


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