ISSN: 2056-3736 (Online Version) | 2056-3728 (Print Version)

Estimation of the size of tax evasion in Greece

Anastasiou Athanasios, Kalamara Eleni and Kalligosfyris Charalampos

Correspondence: Anastasiou Athanasios,

Department of Management Science and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Greece

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The purpose of this paper is to estimate the extent of tax evasion in Greece for the period 1980-2018. For this estimation we have chosen to apply an indirect method of approach to the issue, as developed by Tanzi, based on the assumption that estimating the size of the shadow economy can lead us to a safe measurement of the extent of tax evasion. More precisely, through the Currency Demand approach which is based on the basic assumption that activities under the shadow economy constitute a direct response of taxpayers to the increased tax burden and also that cash is mainly used to conduct such transactions and of the wealth derived from them, the size of the shadow economy was determined using the method of the University of Leicester research team and then the level of tax evasion was assessed by imposing an annual tax rate on it as a ratio of total tax revenue to Gross Domestic Product. The results showed a significant increase of the size of tax evasion during the period considered, while the model estimation showed that most of the tax evasion came from direct taxation.


  Macroeconomics, public economics, applied economics, tax evasion, Greece


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