ISSN: 2056-3736 (Online Version) | 2056-3728 (Print Version)

Tax Evasion in Hospitality Industry: Institutional Deficit, Mentality or Necessity?

Konstantinos Marinakos, Georgia Pistikou and Alkistis Papaioanou

Correspondence: Georgia Pistikou,

Department of Tourism Management, University of West Attica, Greece.

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This paper focused on the study and analysis of the phenomenon of tax evasion in Greek hospitality companies (hotels). Its main research objective was to investigate the degree of tax evasion of hotel companies, to examine its causes, its implications and how to deal with it. The processing of the replies given shows that a large proportion of hoteliers consider that businesses are 'over-taxed', while a common belief is that if a more favourable tax treatment were to apply it would lead to a strengthening of the overall conscience/ideological perception in favour of the institution of taxation. Finally, it is necessary to take measures to deal more rationally with tourism enterprises and to review the taxation policies of hotel companies as a tool to support them in times of crisis such as the current Covid-19 pandemic.


  Tax evasion, Over- taxed, Hospitality companies, Taxation policies.


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