Treasury prices climbed Friday, sending benchmark yields to their fourth weekly decline in five, as investors weighed escalating conflicts across Ukraine and Iraq. The 10-year Treasury note (10_YEAR) yield, which falls as prices rise, was down half a basis point at 2.420%, the lowest close since June 2013. The yield fell as low as 2.350% overnight, according to Tradeweb. It’s down 8.5 basis points in the week.
Stocks closed higher.
Treasury investors initially reacted to news late Thursday that President Barack Obama will allow targeted airstrikes in northern Iraq as a means of protecting U.S. forces in the region. The U.S. launched airstrikes on Friday.
The market cut some of its rise after a report by news agency RIA that Russia wants to de-escalate its conflict with Ukraine. U.S. government debt walked back nearly all of its daily gains after a report suggested Russian troops were returning to their base.
“Flight to quality gripped the market, driving rates to new lows with price action likely exacerbated by lower liquidity,” said research strategists at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, led by Priya Misra.
Read: Ukraine trumps Iraq: Investors’ 3 biggest worries
The 30-year bond (30_YEAR) yield fell half a basis point on the day to 3.231% and the 5-year note (5_YEAR) yield dropped 1.5 basis points to 1.618%.
For now, geopolitical concerns are beating economic data for investor attention. Investors shrugged off news showing productivity bounced moderately higher in the second quarter. The economic gauge was up 2.5% in the last quarter, compared with a 4.5% drop in the first quarter. Unit labor costs rose 0.6%.