ISSN: 2056-3736 (Online Version) | 2056-3728 (Print Version)

Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Taiwan-China Trade: A Non-Linear ARDL Analysis of 20 Industries

Ilia Tetin, Elizaveta Antonenko and Guych Nuryyev

Correspondence: Guych Nuryyev,

International College, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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This study investigates the long-run and short-run effects of exchange rate volatility on Taiwan's exports to and imports from China across 20 industries, employing a non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) approach. The analysis covers the period from January 2004 to December 2022 and highlights industry-specific sensitivities and asymmetric impacts of exchange rate fluctuations. Our findings reveal the critical role of exchange rate volatility in shaping export and import performance across industries, with both positive and negative shocks exerting significant short-run and long-run effects. Asymmetric impacts of exchange rate fluctuations affect 87.96% of Taiwan's total exports to China in the long run and 72.11% in the short run. In contrast, the asymmetric impacts on imports influence 77.12% of Taiwan's total imports from China in the long run and 13.21% in the short run, demonstrating varying sensitivity across industries. These findings accentuate the necessity for industry-tailored trade policies and strategic considerations to better manage the risks and opportunities presented by exchange rate volatility in cross-strait trade.


  Exchange rate volatility, Taiwan-China trade, Non-linear ARDL, Asymmetric effects.


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Impact of Supply Risk Sharing on Supply Chains: Multiplicative vs. Additive Risks

Junhyun Bae and Ji-Hung (Ryan) Choi

Correspondence: Junhyun Bae,

School of Business Administration, Oakland University, Rochester MI 48309, USA

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We consider a supply chain in which a retailer orders from a manufacturer(s) who face(s) a stochastic supply risk (random yield) under single or dual-sourcing cases. In specific, we look into this problem in two different yield risks: multiplicative and additive. One might intuit that if the retailer shares a manufacturer’s random yield risk with the manufacturer, the manufacturer will be better off. Interestingly, we confirm that this intuition is only valid in the additive yield risk but not necessarily in the multiplicative yield risk. Moreover, under dual sourcing, both manufacturers fiercely compete on their prices (i.e., Bertrand-like competition) to become the sole source in the additive yield risk, but the manufacturers do not compete as much in the multiplicative yield risk. Lastly, this paper shows that the supply chain inefficiency may decrease (increase) as risk-sharing increases in the additive risk model under dual sourcing (single sourcing) while it does not change in the multiplicative risk model.


  Supply risk, random yield, dual sourcing, game theory.


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Does Institutional Quality matter to the Inflation Targeting-Financial Stability Nexus?

Adel Bogari

Correspondence: Adel Bogari,

Associate Professor, College of Business Administration, Al-Baha University, KSA

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This study examines the quality institutions role played in the inflation targeting- financial stability nexus. A sample of 65 developed and developing countries, including 33 inflation-targeting countries (10 developed and 23 developing), and 32 non-inflation-targeting countries (12 developed and 20 developing), during the 1996 - 2020 period. Using Two Step GMM estimation, results show that inflation targeting stimulates financial stability. This positive relationship between inflation targeting and financial stability is proved, regardless of the inflation targeting regime in place; Soft or Full-Fledged. Results from institutional quality variables prove that inflation-targeting countries with poor institutional quality are financially vulnerable, and that for good institutional quality are able to promote financial stability.


  Inflation targeting, Financial stability, Developed and developing countries, Quality of institutions, Tow Step GMM System.


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Forecasting TAIEX and FITX with Affirmative and Doubtful Investor Sentiments

Tzu-Pu Chang, Yu-Wei Chan and Ping-Huang Wang

Correspondence: Tzu-Pu Chang,

Department of Finance, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

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The existing literature have used media messages as a proxy variable for investor sentiment, but they mainly classify sentiment into positive or negative categories based on the words used in news articles, without much attention to the degree of affirmative or doubtful conveyed by the words used. Thus, in addition to classifying news content into positive or negative sentiment, this study also measures the degree of affirmative or doubtful expressed in the news articles in order to achieve more accurate predictive results. The study converts qualitative text to two quantitative scores (sentiment ratio and affirmative ratio) and investigates the predictive ability of these two variables on stock index returns and volatility in Taiwan’s case. The empirical findings indicate that only affirmative ratio exhibits a significant and negative impact on the one-day ahead returns of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index (TAIEX) and the Taiwan Stock Exchange Index Futures (FITX). Additionally, the volatility of returns in both future and spot markets is significantly influenced by both sentiment ratio and affirmative ratio.


  Investor sentiment, Text-mining, TAIEX, FITX, Affirmative ratio.


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The Covid-19 Pandemic Impact on the Saudi Arabia Tourism Sector: An Accountancy Approach

Seraj Bahrawe, Mohammed Abulkhair and Sami Mensi

Correspondence: Sami Mensi,

ESC-Business School (ESCT). Univ. of Manouba & ECSTRA Laboratory, Tunisia.

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The article aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the tourism industry in the world and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It adopts the financial data of listed companies in Saudi Arabia and uses the synthetic index compilation method to compile an accounting index that captures the period before and during the COVID-19 outbreak and measures the impact of the COVID-19 on the tourism sector. From this article, we recommend the appropriate policies to re-launch some tourism activities within the after COVID-19 period. It will be crucial to restore all types of travel, and domestic and international flights, improve direct and indirect employment and the recovery of many related business as travel agencies, hotels, and airline companies, which allow for economic and social benefits.


  COVID-19 Pandemic; Tourism Sector; Accountancy Approach, KSA.


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Labor Demand Forecasting: The Case of Cambodia

KY Sereyvuth

Correspondence: KY Sereyvuth,

Department of Economics and Management, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saitama University, Japan.

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Labor demand forecasting is crucial for Cambodia’s economic prosperity. This is because it enables the country to make well-informed decisions and implement effective policies that align with the changing dynamics of its labor market to promote sustainable economic progress. This study utilizes a demand-driven model; specifically, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model with a top-down approach to forecast Cambodia’s labor demand from 2020 to 2025. By capturing current and future labor market trends, we can identify skill requirements and ensure high employment rates for sustainable development. With labor demand forecasting, Cambodia can proactively address skill gaps, optimize workforce planning, and foster an environment conducive to economic growth and stability.


  Labor demand, Employment forecasting, ARIMA, Top-down forecasting.


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Explaining the first effects of Covid-19 on Greek banks’ profitability

Barkas Panagiotis, Kounadeas Theodoros and Spatharakis Nikolaos Dimitrios

Correspondence: Kounadeas Theodoros,

Department of Business Administration, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

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The present paper studies the profitability dynamics of systemic Greek banks. By deploying an econometric methodology based on multiple linear regression analysis, we empirically investigate the drivers of banks’ return on assets between 2008 and 2020. We also shed light on the first effects of Covid-19 on banks. Examining the effects various macroeconomic, regulatory and financial factors, we find that public debt developments, including Greek debt restructuring, and banks’ provisions for credit losses had a negative effect on banks profitability. Besides, we testify that banks' capital adequacy and the size of liabilities of financial institutions towards their customers strengthened chances of increased bank profitability. We discuss the implications of our empirical findings in light of macroeconomic, regulatory and financial developments in Greece and the EU.


  Systemic Banks, Profitability, Greece, ROA, Debt Crisis, Covid-19, Financial Analysis, Financial Ratios.


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Twitter‘s happiness sentiment index impacts on financial markets: an integrated overview of empirical findings

Νikolaos A. Kyriazis

Correspondence: Νikolaos A. Kyriazis,

Department of Economics, University of Thessaly, 28th October 78 Street, PC:38333, Volos, Greece.

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This survey paper investigates the empirical findings of academic work that explores the nexus between the highly innovative Twitter happiness sentiment index and a range of financial assets. An integrated overview of econometric outcomes and the relevant investment policy implications are provided. It is revealed that investor happiness reinforces the safe haven abilities of gold. Moreover, major stock indices are highly influenced by the happiness index especially at higher quantiles. Reverse causality between the happiness index and stock indices is also detected but in a weaker level. This survey contributes to better understanding investment decisions based on behavioural finance and provides evidence about the nexus of investor sentiment estimation with the financial sector nowadays.


  Investor happiness, Investor sentiment, Twitter, Survey, Gold, Stock prices.


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Co-movement and global factors in sovereign bond yields

Ioannis A. Venetis and Avgoustinos Ladas

Correspondence: Ioannis A. Venetis,

University of Patras, School of Economics and Business, Department of Economics, University Campus, Rio 26504.

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We study the co-movement in international zero-coupon government bond yields using a recently proposed methodology by Choi et al. (2018) and Choi et al. (2021) for the estimation of multilevel factor models. We employ a readily available non-proprietary dataset coupled with open-source code which facilitates reproduction of the results but also comparability with the existing bibliography. The ten countries dataset is cross-sectionally expanded to eleven countries with newly constructed data series on the term structure of Greek constant-maturity, government zero-coupon bond rates. We find that the country pair US-Germany is most suitable as an initial candidate for global factor estimation. We confirm that three global factors account for most of the variation in zero-coupon bond yields leaving a small proportion to be (contemporaneously) explained by local factors. Global inflation and global real activity are related to the global level and slope factors. The third global factor, “curvature,” is strongly related to economic/financial uncertainty linked to systemic risk stemming from the US financial markets.


  Sovereign bonds; Yield curve; Term structure; Multilevel factor model; Global factors; Local factors.


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A VAR model for Fiscal Multipliers and the Future of Fiscal Policy in European Monetary Union

Theodore Chatziapostolou and Nikolina Kosteletou

Correspondence: Theodore Chatziapostolou,

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

pdf (675.22 Kb) | doi:


Fiscal multipliers have been a core issue for the effectiveness of fiscal policy. During the financial economic crisis of 2007–8 there has been a revival of interest in re-estimating the size of the multipliers. Empirical literature showed that fiscal multipliers are dependent either on structural characteristics of the economy (exchange rate regime, openness, etc.), or on business cycles or on fiscal characteristics (level of debt, the choice between expenditures and taxes, etc.) of the economies. The aim of this paper is to contribute to this discussion by developing a VAR model to compute the effects of fiscal policy to output for the 19 member states of EMU for the period 2002-2019. Controlling for size of the countries, level of Debt to GDP ratio and openness. Based on these findings we will discuss the difficulties of fiscal consolidation in EMU economies. We argue that EMU is facing a deadlock, the necessity of fiscal consolidation on the one hand and the unavoidable risk of uneven results of fiscal contraction in the member states due to different size of multipliers on the other hand. The only alternative for EMU is to take a step forward towards a fiscal union. In this case fiscal policy should be balance different political priorities and preferences and at the same time be timely and effective.


  Fiscal policy, European Monetary Union, debt, Fiscal cooperation, Fiscal multipliers


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